Audax No. 8: Itinerary

The Denton Audax Turkeys welcome you to run Audax No. 8 to Sanger, Krum, Dish, and Argyle with other local cycle tourists on Sunday 3 September 2017. This is a team effort with predetermined control checkpoints and a 15-30 minute stop at about half way. We always ride at a regular, cycle-tourist tempo. This Sunday's ride will cover 97 kilometers of Denton County in a planned time of 4 hours and 29 minutes.

8:30 Shift Coffee at Prairie and Locust
Grand Départ: 97 kilometers

9:01 Ganzer and I-35, north of Denton, 12km
Segment: 12 kilometers in 31 minutes

10:28 J&J Country Store on Hwy 380, on 380 north of Stony, 45.5km
Segment: 33.5 kilometers in 87 minutes
15-30 minute break and re-fuel

12:10 Hwy 377 and Crawford Rd, in Argyle, 78km
Segment: 32.5 kilometers in 82 minutes

12:59 Denton Town Square, 97km
Segment: 19 kilometers in 49 minutes
*In order to complete the Audax we must arrive between 12:38 and 13:21
-Gobble, gobble!