I've been using a new system for evaluating rides. It's called DERPS. That's an acronym (duh). Each letter stands for an aspect of the...

How to pin race numbers
1. You need 7 pins. Start on the corners at the top of your pockets. Don't put a pin on the "tailing-side" of your number, so you don't...

Making a left turn in Denton: Panhandle and Coit
This is not a prescription telling you how to ride. It's a description of my personal experience of, and thought process about, a...
Road bikes aren't just for "Racers"
I am going to say this as concisely as I can: road bikes are not just for racers. There is a commonly shared misconception among bicycle...

Should you use bicycle lights both day and night?
Pop Quiz: what time of day do you think is the most common for accidents involving bicycles? If you answered night time you are...

Avoid UNT and TWU Parking Nightmares
Searching far and wide for a parking spot on a college campus is a problem for college students every year. College classes are about to...